Finding an Affine Transform the Traditional Way with three 2D point correspondences in Swift

Gary Bartos
6 min readJan 1, 2021


My previous post provided links and Swift sample code to introduce Simplex Affine Mapping (SAM), a technique that can be used to find an affine transform from one triangle to another triangle in 2D space.

Today I saw the StackOverflow post “Transfer coordinates from one triangle to another triangle.” It struck me as a good idea to offer code for the more traditional way of finding the affine transform.

To find the affine transform from one triangle to another triangle, and using StackOverflow user MBo’s naming conventions, we’ll do the following in Swift:

  1. Populate two 3x3 matrices with the three 2D point pairs.
  2. M * A = B, where M = affine matrix, A = “from” points, B = “to” points, all expressed as 3x3 matrices
  3. M = B * Inv(A)
  4. Find Inv(A), the inverse of matrix A (the “from” points)
  5. Create a CGAffineTransform from the 3x3 matrix M

Here’s a handy guide explaining how to find the inverse of a matrix:

We’ll import CoreGraphics and create our own Triangle and Matrix3x3 types. We import Foundation framework just so that we can extend NumberFormatter to add a few string( ) function overloads used to print statements to the console as we test the transform(from:to:) function.

Paste the following sample code into an XCode12 playground and run it.

import CoreGraphics
import Foundation

extension Date {
static func - (lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> TimeInterval {
return lhs.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - rhs.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate

extension CGPoint {
static func - (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x - rhs.x, y: lhs.y - rhs.y)

extension NumberFormatter {
func string(_ value: CGFloat, digits: Int, failText: String = "[?]") -> String {
minimumFractionDigits = max(0, digits)
maximumFractionDigits = minimumFractionDigits

guard let s = string(from: NSNumber(value: Double(value))) else {
return failText

return s

func string(_ point: CGPoint, digits: Int = 1, failText: String = "[?]") -> String {
let sx = string(point.x, digits: digits, failText: failText)
let sy = string(point.y, digits: digits, failText: failText)
return "(\(sx), \(sy))"

func string(_ vector: CGVector, digits: Int = 1, failText: String = "[?]") -> String {
let sdx = string(vector.dx, digits: digits, failText: failText)
let sdy = string(vector.dy, digits: digits, failText: failText)
return "(\(sdx), \(sdy))"

func string(_ transform: CGAffineTransform, rotationDigits: Int = 2, translationDigits: Int = 1, failText: String = "[?]") -> String {
let sa = string(transform.a, digits: rotationDigits)
let sb = string(transform.b, digits: rotationDigits)
let sc = string(transform.c, digits: rotationDigits)
let sd = string(transform.d, digits: rotationDigits)
let stx = string(transform.tx, digits: translationDigits)
let sty = string(transform.ty, digits: translationDigits)

var s = "a: \(sa) b: \(sb) 0"
s += "\nc: \(sc) d: \(sd) 0"
s += "\ntx: \(stx) ty: \(sty) 1"
return s

/// Indicates are m(row,column)
/// | m11 m12 m13 |
/// | m21 m22 m23 |
/// | m31 m32 m33 |
struct Matrix3x3 {
var m11: CGFloat //row 1
var m12: CGFloat
var m13: CGFloat

var m21: CGFloat //row 2
var m22: CGFloat
var m23: CGFloat

var m31: CGFloat //row 3
var m32: CGFloat
var m33: CGFloat

func inverted() -> Matrix3x3? {
let d = determinant()

//TODO pick some realistic near-zero number here
if abs(d) < 0.0000001 {
return nil

//transpose matrix first
let t = self.transpose()

//determinants of 2x2 minor matrices
let a11 = t.m22 * t.m33 - t.m32 * t.m23
let a12 = t.m21 * t.m33 - t.m31 * t.m23
let a13 = t.m21 * t.m32 - t.m31 * t.m22

let a21 = t.m12 * t.m33 - t.m32 * t.m13
let a22 = t.m11 * t.m33 - t.m31 * t.m13
let a23 = t.m11 * t.m32 - t.m31 * t.m12

let a31 = t.m12 * t.m23 - t.m22 * t.m13
let a32 = t.m11 * t.m23 - t.m21 * t.m13
let a33 = t.m11 * t.m22 - t.m21 * t.m12

//adjugate (adjoint) matrix: apply + - + ... pattern
let adj = Matrix3x3(
m11: a11, m12: -a12, m13: a13,
m21: -a21, m22: a22, m23: -a23,
m31: a31, m32: -a32, m33: a33)
return adj / d

func determinant() -> CGFloat {
m11 * (m22 * m33 - m32 * m23) - m12 * (m21 * m33 - m31 * m23) + m13 * (m21 * m32 - m31 * m22)

func transpose() -> Matrix3x3 {
Matrix3x3(m11: m11, m12: m21, m13: m31, m21: m12, m22: m22, m23: m32, m31: m13, m32: m23, m33: m33)

/// | a11 a12 a13 | | b11 b12 b13 |
/// | a21 a22 a23 | * | b21 b22 b23 |
/// | a31 a32 a33 | | b31 b32 b33 |
static func * (_ a: Matrix3x3, _ b: Matrix3x3) -> Matrix3x3 {
return Matrix3x3(
m11: a.m11 * b.m11 + a.m12 * b.m21 + a.m13 * b.m31,
m12: a.m11 * b.m12 + a.m12 * b.m22 + a.m13 * b.m32,
m13: a.m11 * b.m13 + a.m12 * b.m23 + a.m13 * b.m33,

m21: a.m21 * b.m11 + a.m22 * b.m21 + a.m23 * b.m31,
m22: a.m21 * b.m12 + a.m22 * b.m22 + a.m23 * b.m32,
m23: a.m21 * b.m13 + a.m22 * b.m23 + a.m23 * b.m33,

m31: a.m31 * b.m11 + a.m32 * b.m21 + a.m33 * b.m31,
m32: a.m31 * b.m12 + a.m32 * b.m22 + a.m33 * b.m32,
m33: a.m31 * b.m13 + a.m32 * b.m23 + a.m33 * b.m33)

static func / (_ m: Matrix3x3, _ s: CGFloat) -> Matrix3x3 {
m11: m.m11/s, m12: m.m12/s, m13: m.m13/s,
m21: m.m21/s, m22: m.m22/s, m23: m.m23/s,
m31: m.m31/s, m32: m.m32/s, m33: m.m33/s)

struct Triangle {
var p1: CGPoint
var p2: CGPoint
var p3: CGPoint

init(p1: CGPoint, p2: CGPoint, p3: CGPoint) {
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.p3 = p3

init(x1: CGFloat, y1: CGFloat, x2: CGFloat, y2: CGFloat, x3: CGFloat, y3: CGFloat) {
p1 = CGPoint(x: x1, y: y1)
p2 = CGPoint(x: x2, y: y2)
p3 = CGPoint(x: x3, y: y3)

/// | p1.x p2.x p3.x |
/// | p1.y p2.y p3.y |
/// | 1 1 1 |
func toMatrix() -> Matrix3x3 {
Matrix3x3(m11: p1.x, m12: p2.x, m13: p3.x, m21: p1.y, m22: p2.y, m23: p3.y, m31: 1, m32: 1, m33: 1)

func transform(from: Triangle, to: Triangle) -> CGAffineTransform? {
// following example from
// M * A = B
// M = B * Inv(A)
let A = from.toMatrix()

guard let invA = A.inverted() else {
return nil

let B = to.toMatrix()
let M = B * invA

// transpose; Apple matrix has translations in bottom row rather than in rightmost column
let CGM = M.transpose()

return CGAffineTransform(a: CGM.m11, b: CGM.m12, c: CGM.m21, d: CGM.m22, tx: CGM.m31, ty: CGM.m32)

func test(from: Triangle, to: Triangle) {
guard let t = transform(from: from, to: to) else {
print("No transform. Perhaps 'from' triangle is colinear and not invertible.")

let f = NumberFormatter()


let r1 = from.p1.applying(t)
let r2 = from.p2.applying(t)
let r3 = from.p3.applying(t)

let dt1 = to.p1 - r1
let dt2 = to.p2 - r2
let dt3 = to.p3 - r3

print("\(f.string(dt1)) offset from expected for \(f.string(r1))")
print("\(f.string(dt2)) offset from expected for \(f.string(r2))")
print("\(f.string(dt3)) offset from expected for \(f.string(r3))")

func testTransforms() {
print("** Example from SAM workbook **")
let a = Triangle(p1: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1), p2: CGPoint(x: 2, y: 3), p3: CGPoint(x: 3, y: 2))
let b = Triangle(p1: CGPoint(x: 3, y: 2), p2: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 5), p3: CGPoint(x: -2, y: 1))
test(from: a, to: b)

print("** Pure Translation **")
let t1 = Triangle(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: -2, y2: 3, x3: -5, y3: 3)
let t2 = Triangle(x1: 3, y1: -2, x2: 1, y2: 1, x3: -2, y3: 1)
test(from: t1, to: t2)

print("** Rotation and Translation **")
let r1 = Triangle(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0, x3: 0, y3: 1)
let r2 = Triangle(x1: 6, y1: 5, x2: 5, y2: 5, x3: 6, y3: 4)
test(from: r1, to: r2)

print("** Pure Scaling **")
let s1 = Triangle(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0, x3: 0, y3: 1)
let s2 = Triangle(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 5, y2: 0, x3: 0, y3: 5)
test(from: s1, to: s2)

print("** Test in which a triangle has colinear points")
let k1 = Triangle(x1: 1, y1: 1, x2: -2, y2: -2, x3: 5, y3: 5)
let k2 = Triangle(x1: -5, y1: 3, x2: 2, y2: 8, x3: -3, y3: 1)
test(from: k1, to: k2)


Happy New Year!



Gary Bartos

Founder of Echobatix, engineer, inventor of assistive technology for people with disabilities. Keen on accessible gaming.